Thousands of Tommy Robinson supporters chant ‘we want Tommy out’ & clash with cops after far-right activist charged

Date: 2024-10-26

THOUSANDS of Tommy Robinson supporters chanted “we want Tommy out” in central London today as they clashed with cops.

Hordes of the political activist’s followers gathered at Victoria Station and are marching on Whitehall today.

The rally is marching onto Whitehall[/caption]
Police intervene as a protester is held to the ground[/caption]
a group of police officers standing in front of a sign that says gate 1
The man was seen being detained[/caption]
Supporters of the Pro-UK rally endorsed by Tommy Robinson gather at Victoria Station[/caption]
a man wearing a black shirt that says free tommy robinson
Some protesters wore ‘Free Tommy Robinson’ T-shirts and waved St George flags[/caption]
a crowd of people holding signs that say refugees welcome and stop the far right
People with placards for a march organised by Stand Up To Racism[/caption]
a group of people protesting in front of a banner that says united voices of the world
Stand Up To Racism counter-protesters in Piccadilly Circus[/caption]

Five arrests have been made at the demonstration, the Metropolitan Police said.

Robinson – real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon – is missing the planned protest after he was remanded into police custody yesterday.

Chants of “Oh Tommy, Tommy” and “We want Starmer out” were heard ahead of the Unite The Kingdom rally.

The demonstration has been met with rival protesters from Stand Up to Racism, which has called on its supporters to “take to the streets” in a “massive anti-fascist demonstration”.

Robinson, 41, is accused of being in contempt of court after the airing of a film at a protest in Trafalgar Square in July.

He attended Folkestone police station on Friday where he was remanded ahead of a hearing at Woolwich Crown Court on Monday.

It concerns allegations that he breached a 2021 High Court order barring him from repeating libellous allegations against a Syrian refugee who successfully sued him.

It is understood the airing of a film, titled Silenced, at the Trafalgar Square demonstration is one of six actions alleged to have breached the injunction between June and July.

The film is also pinned to the top of his X account.

Robinson was separately charged on Friday with failing to provide his mobile phone access code to police under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000, Kent Police said.

The Met Police and British Transport Police are being supported by officers from other forces across the country for the protests today.

Cops promised a “significant police presence” to ensure the two groups are kept apart.

One man has been pictured being detained by cops.

The protest, organised by Robinson, marched from Victoria station to the southern end of Whitehall, while the counter-protest began at Regent Street St James’s and finished at the northern end of Whitehall.

One protester – who gave his name only as Chris – told The Sun: “It [the rally] had to be done.

“With the state of things in this country, it was getting out of hand.”

Asked if he was there to see a specific speaker, he added: “None in particular.

“I’m just here to show some support.”

The Met said static rallies are expected at the end of both marches.

It is understood Robinson will be held in custody in Folkestone until his court hearing on Monday.

a person holding a sign that says refugees are welcome here
Rival protesters from Stand up to Racism marched in London too[/caption]
a man in a union jack jacket is holding a white flag
Marcher wearing a Union Jack jacket and waving a flag[/caption]
a man taking a picture with a sony camera
Chants of ‘Oh Tommy, Tommy’ can be heard[/caption]
a group of people holding signs that say jobs homes and services for all
The two protest groups have been given different routes, with police barriers keeping them separate[/caption]
a crowd of people with police officers in front of them
A wall of police officers on Victoria Street[/caption]

He was released on unconditional bail in July and subsequently left the country – with Adam Payter, representing the Solicitor General, telling the High Court there “was nothing to prevent him from doing so”.

Mr Justice Johnson issued a warrant for Robinson’s arrest but ordered that it not be carried out “until early October” to allow Robinson time to indicate that he would attend the next hearing voluntarily or to apply to “set aside” the warrant.

Robinson posted a video of himself arriving at Luton Airport on October 20 and said he was surprised he had not been arrested.
He applied to set aside the warrant but his application was dismissed by Mr Justice Johnson on Friday.

The separate charge under the Terrorism Act relates to his arrest in July at a port in Kent, where he was accused of “frustration” of police counter-terrorism powers.

He allegedly failed to provide his mobile phone access code to officers at the Channel Tunnel in Folkestone.

Under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act, police are allowed to stop anyone passing through a UK port “to determine whether they may be involved or concerned in the commission, preparation or instigation of acts of terrorism”.

The person who is detained can be held for up to six hours, is legally obliged to answer questions and must provide the password or access number for electronic devices, or be held to have committed a criminal offence if they refuse.

Robinson said he objected to a request from police for the number to his phone because there was privileged information on the device relating to an ongoing High Court case.

a man in a black vest is talking to a group of people
Tommy Robinson outside Folkestone Police Station[/caption]
a man in a black vest with the word stone island on it
The political activist was greeted by supporters[/caption]
a man in a blue jacket with the word columbia on it
He had claimed he was asked by police to hand himself in[/caption]
a man is walking out of the folkestone police station
Robinson, real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, points to the small crowd as he steps through the station doors[/caption]

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