Seven Things You Should Do Now to Prepare Your Car for Winter

Date: 2024-10-22

Winter is right around the corner, and while you may be stocking up on cozy sweaters and taking steps to rid your house of drafts, you also need to do a few things to get your car ready for the season.

Vehicles need a little extra attention in the winter—and they deserve it, too, since they keep you toasty while carrying you to and fro, no matter how much you wish you could just stay inside under a blanket. Here’s what to think about now so your ride is ready to go when the cold weather hits. 

Start by winterizing with your tires

Because winter roads are notoriously icy and make your car's tires work harder, you should start there. There are three things to keep in mind:

  • Make sure your tires properly inflated because traction is vital for getting you through the snow, and temperature changes can affect tire pressure.

  • Get some snow chains to keep in your trunk, and know how to use them. Quick-fit chains are easier to put on and remove, put it's a good idea to practice using them before your facing down a blizzard. You can order chains online or visit an auto shop to talk to a pro about what kind will work best.

  • Get your wheels aligned, which will make it easier to maintain control in icy conditions.

  • Check your tire tread to see if you need a new set of wheels. Pick up a tire tread depth gauge to determine if your wear exceeds 4/32th inches, which can decrease stability. (Or try the quarter test.)

Stock an emergency kit for your car

Even if you live in an urban area and don’t foresee getting stuck somewhere snowy with no way out, you should be prepared for the worst. Put emergency supplies in your trunk now so you always have them. Not sure what to include? Start here:

  • Extra blankets, mittens, socks, and hats

  • An ice scraper and snow brush

  • A flashlight (with extra batteries)

  • Jumper cables

  • A first-aid kit

  • Bottled water

  • A multitool like this one, which has a pliers, various screwdrivers, a knife, and more

  • Road flares and reflective warning triangles

  • Windshield cleaner

  • A bag of sand (for traction)

  • A collapsible shovel

  • Hand warmers

Keep them somewhere accessible, like under a car seat, so even if you can't get to the trunk, you can grab your kit.

Check and clean your car battery

One way to avoid getting stuck and needing that kit is to make sure your battery is functioning well. You can test the battery with a computerized battery tester (or bringing the car in for a professional evaluation) and replace it if necessary—before it gets cold out. If your voltage is below 12.4 volts, consider getting a new one.

Clean your battery terminals by disconnecting negative cables, then the positive cables, and using a battery cleaning tool or wire brush to clean the terminal posts. Next, clean off grease and acid before reinstalling the positive cables, then the negative ones again. You can also ask a mechanic to do this, which is what I recommend if you have the money.

Check your windows, latches, and hinges

In the winter, freezing water can get into the window tracks, which can then damage your window regulator cables. (I don't even know what a "window regulator cable" is, which is always a sign that fixing it would be expensive and breaking it would be consequential.) Lubricate your window tracks with spray silicone or dry teflon spray by lowering the window and shooting right into the front and back window tracks. Open and close the window a bunch of times to spread the lube around. You can do this with your locks too, even if you usually use a remote to access your vehicle.

Finally, lube all your latches and hinges. If your car won’t start when it’s cold out, that's the worst time to discover you’re also having a hard time opening the hood. Your local auto shop will have all the right lubes for these various parts.

Check your coolant levels

Coolant is what protects your engine from freezing and cracking in the wintertime, so make sure you have enough. Coolant test strips are pretty inexpensive and easy to use: They will show you if your coolant is still able to provide freeze protection. If it’s not, get new coolant right away.

Prep the windshield for winter

Your windshield also needs some attention. First, make sure you have enough wiper fluid—I learned to drive in North Dakota, so I can state with confidence that wiper fluid was the most indispensable thing in my car during the worst months of the year.

On top of that, you should consider installing winter wipers. These are heavy and made of rubber, so they can be a heavy load for a wiper motor, meaning you shouldn't keep them on year-round. You can pick some up online, or, if you aren't sure was size to buy, head to an auto shop to make sure you're getting ones that fit your vehicle.

Keep it gassed up

Last but not least, gas up consistently. This is less of a winterizing tip than an all-winter tip, but it's an important one. As a teenager, I got in trouble every winter for not keeping my tank at least half full, but as an adult, I see my father was right to freak out about it: Keeping the tank fuller reduces the likelihood of a gas line freeze, plus will ensure you have enough juice to keep your heater running in case you get stranded somewhere cold.

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