Meet Putin’s team of glam AI ‘newsreaders’ who spout propaganda to millions – because real presenters CAN’T be trusted

Date: 2024-10-28

THESE are Vladimir Putin’s glamorous female newsreaders who spout propaganda to millions – except they’re AI-generated bots.

Russian state broadcaster RT are continuing to indoctrinate its viewers while Putin’s men have been joined by Kim Jong-un’s troops in the last few weeks.

a woman stands in front of a sputnik logo
Zuza, an AI-generated Putin propagandist who broadcasts to Brazil on Kremlin-funded RT media outlet[/caption]
a woman stands in front of a sputnik logo
Tania Sputnikova, an AI created presenter on Sputnik Mundo – part of RT chief Margarita Simonyan’s pro-Putin state-funded propaganda empire[/caption]
a black and white photo of a woman with a tank in the background
An Arabic speaking AI-generated Putin propagandist on Kremlin-funded RT media outlet[/caption]
a woman in an orange dress is talking about joy sputnik africa 's virtual presenter
Joy, an AI-generated Putin propagandist who broadcasts to Africa on Kremlin-funded RT media outlet[/caption]
a woman in a blue jacket is holding a bouquet of flowers next to a man in a suit
RT chief Margarita Simonyan, 44, pictured with Vladimir Putin[/caption]

Boss Margarita Simonyan, 44, the Russian ruler’s most prominent and highest-paid woman puppet, boasted about her use of fake TV hosts.

Often described as “Goebbels in a skirt”, she confirmed in a broadcast that “a significant proportion of [the] presenters do not exist.”

The bizarre use of AI presenters is believed to be a desperate attempt to stop human presenters going off-script – and consequently embarrassing Vlad.

Among Simonyan’s army of Putin AI warriors is Anna – white, blonde, with blue eyes – who broadcasts in French on Sputnik Afrique.

Her first announcement eerily admitted: “Anna doesn’t exist in nature, but she never gets sick or tired, and will regularly present the news visually and with her voice.”

Another AI bot is Joy, who is black and speaks English – and, like Anna, has appeared for the first time this year and broadcasts on Sputnik Africa.

AI presenters are seen on Simonyan’s evil propaganda outlets in Arabic, Chinese and Turkish.

Putin’s screen AI warriors are described as “ready” to pump out Kremlin propaganda “without days off”, and “say what others keep silent about”.

Simonyan also gloated that the AI bots may have tricked viewers into visiting the shadowy encrypted messaging app Telegram, thinking they were real.

The propaganda presenter said: “We generated it, voice and the rest, personality. They run their own social media.

“One of them wrote ‘Follow me on Telegram, first 10,000 or 100,000 subscribers, I don’t remember now, will be amnestied when we come to power’.”

Simonyan earns an unbelievable £500,000 a year from Russian public funds – four times as much as 72-year-old Putin’s official salary.

Last month she was sanctioned by the US as posing a threat to the US presidential election.

The puppet is also unsurprisingly sanctioned by the UK, EU and Ukraine.

Ukrainian war journalist Denys Kazansky rang alarm bells about the AI propagandists and the devastating impact it could have on human life in the war.

He warned: “Simonyan stated that a significant part of her propagandists do not exist at all, and they are generated by artificial intelligence.

“Made-up propagandists promote war and drive real people into meat assaults.”

a woman in a white shirt with sputnik africa written on the bottom
Anna, an AI-generated Putin propagandist who broadcasts to Africa on Kremlin-funded RT media outlet[/caption]
a woman is talking in front of a picture of a military vehicle
An Arabic speaking AI-generated Putin propagandist on Kremlin-funded RT media outlet[/caption]

Simonyan is one of Putin’s most rigid supporters, with the propagandist calling in April for his foes to be brutally hanged.

She also cried for the return of the policies of a tsarist-era butcher Count Mikhail Muravyov – a Russian officer who used the noose to crush 19th century nationalist uprisings.

Simonyan has called him a “hangman” and said that Russia “need” someone “like this”.

She believes this would impose “discipline” that she claims is missing in modern Russia.

A year ago Simonyan demanded Putin unleashed a giant thermonuclear explosion over Siberia to jolt the West into halting support for Ukraine.

The pro-war fanatic said such a detonation would set the globe back 30 years – scarily rendering all smartphones and iPads useless.

She claimed that while it wouldn’t trigger nuclear winter, it would “disable all radio electronics, all digital – all the satellites” and send the world “back to the year of 1993 or so. It was a wonderful life.”

Simonyan has also told viewers that a mega nuclear blast on remote Russian terrority would scare the West into halting backing for Kyiv without causing Armageddon with “monstrous radiation” in Europe or the US.

She suggested it to be the “most humane” and “harmless” form of nuclear blackmail.

The head of the artificial intelligence project at Sputnik is reported to be Igor Arkhipov, a former polygraph examiner at the Belarus KGB – one of the world’s most sinister secret services.

Meanwhile Egor Arkhipov, 30, is head of artificial intelligence projects at RT.

a woman on a tv show says we need hangmen like this now
‘Hang Putin rebels’ says leading Kremlin propagandist Margarita Simonyan[/caption]

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